Auckland Council's 5 plus a day to keep you regular

I felt quite ill recently when I read that the council was removing about 2000 rubbish bins around Auckland’s parks and streets.

Apparently, it’ll be saving $9 million. Sounds a lot, but when you read the fine print, that’s actually over eight years so don’t get too excited yet.

However, when you read that a $9000 rainbow crossing can cost $16,000 to clean, maybe this potential saving will actually end up being a loss. But hold on, isn’t collecting rubbish one of those core deliverables we expect from our council?

Maybe not. After all, they have more important things to do for us ratepayers like keeping us ‘safe’, getting rid of car parks, giving us cycle lanes that we didn’t ask for and overpriced landscaping projects that we can’t afford.

Always thinking of ways to help, I’ve come up with a business plan for the council entitled, 'No is not negative, it’s just a decision’.

To make things easier, I’ve got the executive summary down to one line which reads: “Hey dummy, stop spending our money.”

What we really need here is some genuine Kiwi ingenuity (I think this could get even get the United Nations excited) – flip top road cones that you can put your rubbish in.

Makes sense really. They get regularly put out and collected and they’re everywhere.

That’s a potential one nil to the ratepayers which means we could be finally winning folks. I’m feeling better already.

Pete Mars, Concerned Ratepayers Herne Bay.

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Published: April 2024