Kelmarna Community Farm: Navigating turbulent waters in pursuit of financial sustainability

Over the years, Kelmarna has nourished, supported and educated the local community. It has been both a role model and provider.

But the future of the farm is now in jeopardy. Last month, the Kelmarna Farm community was confronted with a daunting challenge: the sudden loss of a vital annual grant it has received consistently for the past six years.

This loss, coupled with the ongoing challenges posed by the turbulent economic climate, dwindling grant availability across the sector and unpredictable weather patterns, means Kelmarna is now in a precarious position.

Over the coming weeks, Kelmarna Community Farm will rally its resources and creative energies to seek out alternative pathways forward. Their goal is clear: to ensure the sustained operation of the farm while reducing reliance on grant funding sources.

“Kelmarna has had to lean heavily on grant funding to sustain operations during our rebuilding phase after the abrupt termination of our 15-year partnership with a mental health provider seven years ago. Recognising the inherent instability of this dependence, we have diligently pursued diversification of our offerings and income streams over the past few years.

However, just as we began to make tangible progress, the loss of our largest grant has cast a shadow of uncertainty over our future." Sarah McFadden, General Manager of Kelmarna, expressed. At a time when community is so vital – particularly in urban environments – Kelmarna Community Farm’s unique offering to Aucklanders is more important than everKelmarna has had a profound impact on countless lives over the past 43 years and plays an invaluable role in the community. Each day, the Kelmarna community witnesses the transformative power of their work and the deep connection it enables between people, their community and the land. If the earth could articulate its voice, it would echo the importance of the shared mission.

Please stay engaged and stay tuned for updates as Kelmarna navigates through this critical juncture. Keep an eye on the website, our newsletter and social media for updates and ways you can help this incredibly special community resource through this difficult time. The Kelmarna team aims to finalise a plan by early May and, shortly thereafter, will convene a public meeting to elaborate on its approach and outline how the community can contribute.

In the meantime, the farming doesn't stop and Kelmarna’s many services are still running as usual, but there will be much urgent work behind the scenes to bridge this funding gap.

Together, the community can rise above this challenge and ensure that Kelmarna continues to thrive for generations to come.

Kelmarna Community Farm, 12 Hukanui Crescent, T: 09 376 0472,

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Published: April 2024