Letter to the Editor: Eat Drink Love Ponsonby from 1 – 28 May

My wife and I were very excited to see your PN Facebook post about Eat Drink Love Ponsonby …and the news that this event is coming back for a fifth year… we have been through the list of 65 participating hospo businesses offering some special dishes and prices.

We understand there are three price bands - $30 and under, $30 to $50 and $60 and over. There are so many favourites of ours in the list but we will also enjoy trying some new places.

This is well timed as so many are struggling with the economy slowdown. But we’ve all got to feed our bellies and eating out is a real treat.

Please thank the Ponsonby Business Association for this wonderful promotion of so many great local bars, cafes and restaurants.

Lawrence W. Green, Herne Bay

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Published: April 2024