Hon Melissa Lee: National List MP based in Mt Albert

As we head into the autumn months, I’d like to take stock of the fantastic work being achieved for Mt Albert, Auckland and across New Zealand by the Coalition Government.

Over the last 100 days, the Government has delivered on 49 action points to get New Zealand back on track focusing on the key ways we can rebuild the economy, ease the cost of living, restore law and order and, of course, deliver better outcomes for New Zealand education and health.

This Government cancelled fuel tax hikes for this term, repealed the ute tax, stopped work on the planned jobs tax, and cancelled the extra fuel tax Aucklanders pay from later this year which will mean more Aucklanders can get ahead and get around our region.

For families worried about the violent incidents that took place at hospitals last year, the Government has listened to emergency department staff and improved security for health workers in hospital emergency departments and we’ve taken steps to extend free breast screening to women aged up to 74.

We’ve also set five major health targets to deliver better care to New Zealanders who need it. As a National Member of Parliament and member of the Coalition Government, I’m really excited to see this work progress.

Here in Mt Albert, and across Auckland, I’ve been busy attending meetings, engaging with communities and supporting local initiatives.

It was absolutely wonderful to attend so many Lunar and Chinese New Year celebrations around the city as well as host Lunar New Year at Parliament, supporting a wider array of cultures which celebrate the Lunar New Year in their own ways being able to showcase their identity in our Parliament.

A couple of particularly magical moments were seeing the lanterns for the new year light up alongside the Prime Minister at the end of last month in Manukau, as well as watching some great young performers at the Auckland Japan Day Festival out in the Trust Arena.

With Easter and first term holidays coming up fast, I hope everyone can get out and enjoy a few days with their friends and family before the winter months kick in.

Whether heading to Coyle Park, Western Springs or visiting any of our great little local parks and playgrounds or celebrating at one of the fantastic community events going on across the city, I hope you have a great break together.

As the Government moves on from our 100 days programme into the next stage of work to support New Zealanders, I am looking forward to sharing more soon.

Happy Year of the Dragon and Happy Easter everyone! (Hon Melissa Lee)
National List MP based in Mt Albert

Authorised by Melissa Lee MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. M.Lee@Ministers.govt.nz

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Published: March 2024