From the Editors

What a hell of a month it's been with cyclones, heavy rain and extensive flooding. Our thoughts go out to all those affected.

At the height of the storm Cockburn Street residents Dr Joseph Earles, and his wife Dr Nina kayaked over the hedge at the back of the property to rescue Dick Johnson, Anna Coddington and their two children, who were trapped in an upstairs bedroom as flood waters surged up their staircase. Mike Lee says he is proud to represent these local heroes.

After having been delayed, finally Woof – the Rainbow Dog Show is on in Western Park on Sunday 19 March (rain date 26 March). The iudges include Suzanne Paul, Justine Smith, Thomas Sainsbury and Buckwheat. It’s always a fun afternoon and we are crossing our fingers for a bright autumn day.

Happy feet. That’s what you get when you dance Swing. Happy face. Happy body. Happy mind. Why not take Cait Mclennan Whyte’s advice and try swing dancing. Once you start there’ll be no stopping. It’s a great way to meet people, get exercise and have fun.

A big thanks to everyone who checked in on me following my recent hospital visit - I was very ill but am almost back to normal.

Finally Ponsonby Central is the place to be with their Summer Sundowners drinks and food offerings which runs until the end of March. (Jay Platt & Martin Leach)

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