Local wellness: Meet Prochaine

Following several years of research and brand development, Grey Lynn locals Dr Sarah Mitchell Weston and Clive Weston release the first dietary supplement under the PROCHAINE label, conceived, developed and manufactured right here in New Zealand.

Consumers across the world want to look and feel better, and are increasingly curious and more discerning than ever about ingredients that help them achieve their wellness goals.

With a PhD in Human Nutrition, Dr Sarah Mitchell Weston’s science-based ethos means that everything that PROCHAINE creates is results driven, meticulously researched, and based on solid scientific evidence. Up front transparency and sustainability are values that Sarah holds dear and are at the heart of everything PROCHAINE stands for.

The pair’s first release, PROCHAINE’s Collagen Beauty Blend is a next generation, high quality, powder based dietary supplement. It is formulated to both stimulate collagen production, while also slowing collagen breakdown, making it unique among collagen brands. It is a powerful, high-quality supplement that supports skin hydration while helping to reduce fine lines. It supports healthy hair and nails as well, whilst delivering the body improved antioxidant support.

The innovative Collagen Beauty Blend contains pure, sustainably sourced, hydrolysed marine collagen peptides. Marine collagen peptides have superior bioavailability over other collagen sources due to their smaller particle size, allowing for easier and faster uptake and transportation of the collagen to where it’s needed most in the body.

But consuming collagen alone is no guarantee that it will support your body’s own collagen production. This is because collagen synthesis depends on the presence of essential cofactors such as vitamin C and zinc. PROCHAINE Collagen Beauty Blend includes both these vital nutrients to optimise collagen absorption and production, particularly in skin cells.

The star ingredient in PROCHAINE Collagen Beauty Blend is clinically studied, Holimel® dried French melon juice concentrate. This is sourced from a natural, non-GMO variety of cantaloupe melon, developed and farmed exclusively by the Robertet Group, headquartered in Grasse, Southeast France. Holimel® contains powerful antioxidants that boost your body’s natural antioxidant defence. In particular, it protects the skin against UV-induced damage, which is one of the leading causes of collagen breakdown and premature ageing.

A simple daily routine designed with modern life in mind, PROCHAINE Collagen Beauty Blend is a convenient and essential part of your daily health and beauty routine. Simply add two heaped teaspoons of powder into your favourite cold drink or smoothie and mix well or blend until powder is dissolved. Alternatively, add to your breakfast cereal or yoghurt.

Last but by no means least, PROCHAINE’s pots and lids are 100 percent recyclable. The pots are made from sugar cane biopolymer, as opposed to fossil fuel plastic. Sugar cane absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere as it grows, with each kilo of biopolymer representing a reduction of over three kilos of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Prochaine Collagen Beauty Blend can be purchased online now at www.prochaine.co.nz and also through selected independent health food stores and pharmacies.


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