Lisa Prager: Mr. Fixit

No one wants a diminutive Jewish lesbian cowgirl to be Mayor of Auckland, that's why I'm voting for Wayne Brown.

He's rough, he's tough and it sure ain't his first rodeo. He’s a roading engineer, businessman and gun-for-hire. He's been Mr Fixit for both the Helen Clarke and John Key governments.

He gets that the Super City is a super rip-off, that just 10 preferred contractors are filling their boots all day long. He understands small business owners and how big corporations work. He's figured out that the Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) are out of control, wasting our cash and burdening future generations with excessive debt. He understands that political correctness won't build more houses or save Queen St from the crowd of guerrilla urbanists.

Wayne Brown will slim down the council bureaucracy and slash exorbitant executive salaries, pushing hard against central government's pressure to exclude public consultation. He won't be captured or blackmailed by central government no matter which party is in power. And he can handle co-governance, but won't suffer fools. If elected mayor, Wayne Brown will open the books echoing the late Penny Bright's demands. He will take seriously the oath to uphold the law as outlined in the Local Government Act, which calls for open, transparent and accountable governance, and if he waivers, I will be there to hold his feet to the fire!

New Zealand Herald writer Simon Wilson publically challenged Brown's skills, honesty and experience, but then turns a blind eye to the culture of arrogance, disrespect and bullying within council controlled organisations towards community groups questioning their authority.

Brownie, as he is affectionately known, will restructure Auckland Transport by appointing a new board of directors and include elected members dumped by the previous Mayor Goff. It's true Wayne Brown isn't everybody's cup of tea, but he will roll up his sleeves, put on his gum boots and march down into the Central Railway Link (CRL) demanding the job be done on time and within budget. Brown wants competency not fantasy. He will limit cycleway spend to $200 a metre, which would have trimmed $5000 a metre off the likes of Franklin Rd and West Lynn cycleways.

I hope Wayne will be the one to bring back tree protection and stop carcinogenic glysophate being sprayed monthly in our streets when high pressure steam would do the same job and not poison us. Perhaps when he sees the evidence of Auckland’s heritage blue stone curbing being purloined he will come down on council contractors like a ton of bricks.

Wayne is unashamedly determined to make the Port of Auckland pay its way. Trains of containers will shift freight to an inland port in south Auckland throughout the day. Congestion will ease as trucks stop hauling imports across town and the harbour will finally be opened up to the public. He is a number cruncher, a spreadsheet reader, a bloke who enjoys a good laugh, and he will openly share campaign stories without giving any confidences away.

Wayne is keen to work with experienced local body representatives like Mike Lee, Christine Fletcher, John Watson, Wayne Walker and Greg Sayers - people who focus on the real needs of the public.

As the mayor holds just one vote, Wayne Brown is determined to build a coalition of common sense. Questioning the concept of an A and B team, he will reward innovation and imagination while challenging party political dogma.

Protecting heritage is a no-brainer, as is encouraging brown field developments, rather then gobbling up our precious arable land in Pukekohe and Rodney. Challenging the government's mandate to mess with the character of inner city suburbs is high on his priority list.

Sure, Brown is not a pin up boy for politics. He’s flawed and has a reputation, but I like that he understands small business, local people, the importance of freedom of movement and the need to protect our very special environment, both built and natural. That's why I am out and proud about supporting Wayne Brown for mayor. (Lisa Prager)