The dos and don’ts of summer pet ownership

Everyone loves summer, but for those with fur, the season can present some challenges

When you think of summer, visions of the beach come to mind. We all know beaches are often dogs’ ultimate happy place… so it’s easy to forgot how difficult summer can be for our companion animals as the weather gets hotter.

Here are a couple of simple but game-changing tips to bear in mind this summer to make sure summer is safe and enjoyable for your pets.

DO protect your pets from sunburn
Just like people, animals can also get sunburnt! Pets who are light-haired are particularly susceptible to New Zealand’s harsh sun. Skin cancer occurs commonly in dogs and cats, and even though the fur provides some sun protection, your pet needs a sunblock applied every 3-4 hours on areas that have little or no hair, such as their nose and ears.

DON’T leave your dogs in hot cars
Every summer, SPCA receives calls almost every day about pets without shade, water, or locked in hot cars. What may seem like a harmless ten minutes to owners can fast turn into a life or death situation for their beloved pets. It’s never worth it. Even when not fatal, overheating can cause irreversible damage to an animal. SPCA describe it as “heart-breaking” to frequently see totally preventable cases all down to the fact their owners weren’t aware of how much hot days can affect them.

DO paws for thought
Your dog’s feet can get burnt and blistered on the hot ground, particularly hot concrete and dark sands commonly found along the Western Coast of the North Island. Check if it is a safe temperature by holding the back of your hand on the pavement or sand for five seconds. If it is too hot for you to hold your hand there, your pet shouldn’t be out walking on it.

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