Work hard; garden easy...

2020 is certainly shaping up to be the year of the home.

“The whole industry is buzzing. Garden centres are packed, plant supply is getting tricky, pots are being sold and filled quicker than our importers can ship them in, and spring has only just started! It’s a crazy time, but I’m excited to see so many people connecting to nature and finding peace in their gardens.”

“Working for nine hours a day at home behind our computer screens may be making the separation between work and personal life difficult, but a well designed garden space can help with the transition and provide a place of retreat in-between our busy lives and stressful work days,” says Martin.

“Whether you have a tiny apartment balcony, a small yard or an underutilised deck, there is plenty you can do to transform that space into a functional garden retreat. Your new garden room can act as a transition zone between work and play.

A morning coffee in the sun surrounded by lush plants can be really grounding and help to shift your mindset into focus for the day ahead. Returning to our outdoor space for the lunch break is something we don’t get to have when we work from the office and its certainly one to be grateful for.”

For those who are concerned about what to plant and how to take care of them, City Botanics has you covered.

“Choosing the right plants for your space is critical for success followed by a sturdy maintenance plan. We provide all of our clients with a comprehensive maintenance guide following every installation, and our eight week plant guarantee and complimentary follow up visits ensure that we plant for the future success of your garden and not just the instant wow factor.”

So, if you’re feeling a little cooped up at home or if you need to find some solace and balance in your working week, perhaps a well designed outdoor room is the perfect solution.

For further details please call Martin on 027 215 7884, E:

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