Turning your balcony into a garden retreat

A well-designed balcony or patio garden can change the way a home is utilised by extending the liveable space and creating a transitional flow from the indoor to outdoor world.

So why is it that so many of us are under-utilising our balconies and shying away from creating our own little slice of garden paradise?

City Botanics suggests that the common underlying theme when meeting with their clients, is that they lack the confidence in knowing which plants and accessories are most appropriate to use in their space.

Balconies generally fall victim to the extremes when it comes to exposure. They are often either too sunny or not sunny enough, too small or too narrow, open to the natural elements or completely undercover. Once you throw in the logistical concerns of shifting pots, plants and dirt and the fear of not knowing how to take care of your garden, it’s no surprise that people become paralysed and uninspired, leaving balconies bare, uninviting and forgotten rooms.

City Botanics is committed to helping you achieve your dream garden retreat. The company specialises in providing garden design and installations for small spaces, which ensures that it can deliver a suitable garden for your balcony. The design philosophy focuses on keeping you connected with nature while increasing your liveable space, improving the quality of your home environment and creating a garden that meets your lifestyle commitments.

If you’re looking to transform your balcony space into your own garden retreat, then don’t be held back by your own perceived restrictions. There is a plant and pot that will suit every scenario, no matter how small or big your space may be.

CITY BOTANICS, M: 027 215 7884, www.citybotanics.co.nz

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