John Elliott: Western Springs pine forest may still be saved

As the old musical saying goes: ‘It’s not over ‘til the fat lady sings’.

One wonders, perhaps cynically, whether this might, at least partly, be a question of saving the many hundreds of thousands of dollars the total demolition would cost the devastation of the growing native trees thriving in the understorey is also a concern. Experts predicted 80% of these would be killed by falling or fallen pine logs should a major road be built to provide access for machinery.

If you are opposed to the resource consent to fell the whole 200 or so pines in one fell swoop, or have questions about the process, you now have time to lobby the Waitemata Local Board. Given the destruction of so much tree cover in the city in recent years, it’s time to call on bureaucrats and elected members to halt this anarchy. Stop killing trees NOW. (John Elliott)

#westernsprings #treeprotection #stopkillingtrees #westernspringslakesidepark #westernspringsforest @waitematalocalboard